, pub-5820561844112673, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Showing posts with label Black Campaign. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black Campaign. Show all posts
Sekjen PJI-D Minta Pihak Kepolisian Menindak Tegas Website Cempakol Menyebar Informasi Diduga Hoax

Sekjen PJI-D Minta Pihak Kepolisian Menindak Tegas Website Cempakol Menyebar Informasi Diduga Hoax

Layar tangkapan web cempakol site berisikan black campaign ke salah satu paslon pilkada inhil/dok.tim TEMBILAHAN - Masifnya pemberitaan mir... September 09, 2024 Last Updated 2024-09-09T09:19:09Z
